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Evangeline Yia's Listings
White Sand Beach @ El Nido Palawan
Teneguiban, El Nido, Palawan
Price: P4,250,000
Category: Luxury (Beach / Resort)
Lot Size: 4722

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El Nido is located about 238 kilometers northwest of Puerto Princesa, Palawan’s capital. El Nido is bordered by the Linapacan Strait in the north, the municipality of Taytay in the south, the Sulu Sea in the east, and the South China Sea in the west.

It 's an hour from Manila by plane direct to El Nido, Palawan. It takes 5 hours to drive to the mainland of El Nido by car from the city of Puerto Princesa.From El Nido airport to the property will take about 40 to 50 minutes

The beach property has 26 meters white sand beachfront, and fronting Teneguiban bay with lots of beautiful corals. DARACOTON and BROTHER ISLAND is within sight  from the property.and can be reached by boat or road . It reflects Nature at its best . The area around the property is pristine with its unspoiled landscape and friendly environment


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